Certainly you must have verified that the environment you were raised for no longer exists.

Perhaps you believed that studying for a degree was enough to get a secure job or that a secure job guaranteed a pension so you would not have to worry about your retirement.

Its true that you didn’t choose your place of birth, nor the opportunities that your social and family environment offered you

You also couldn’t do much to prevent your mind from being conditioned when you were still an innocent child. Like the rest of us you were raised to be an obedient employee, a passive taxpayer and a voracious consumer.

The rules of the profesional world have changed and will continue to change faster with time.

The market of advertised jobs represent on 20% of the opportunities despite the fact that 80% of the job seekers use this resource.

Its is believed that 75% to 80% of the jobs are not advertised

The TELEOS program is a program of multiple sessions in which we provide assistance to a person who is in a disoriented situation while looking for a new job. With the aim of making changes and providing resources that allow them to find a new desirable job.

What does the TELEOS program offer?

Offers support in managing your profesional career and design a strategy to achieve the objectives

· Provides a global visión by sharing experiences and knowledge

· Provides greater emotional security

· Facilitates access to the network of contacts

· Supports the management of motivations and expectations.


Greater security and confidence: the person knows that they are not alone in their path of development and profesional transition.

Lower stress levels: you have the possibility to feel supported when it comes to identifying the challenges you face and the skills you possess.

Faster learning: by being motivated to learn with someone, you are more receptive to receiving feedback and that create a positive cycle of self development.

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